Lapsed (35450) / Aia- ja rannamänguasjad (557)

Salta batuut Combo 366 cm, must | 585A

Salta batuut Combo 366 cm, must | 585A

The Salta - Trampoline Combo (incl. trampoline safety net), the right balance between safety, quality and durability and all for the best price. The Combo Trampoline provides a number of specific characteristics that this set gives a professional prestige. Each of the Salta Combo Trampolines have a thick, even edge with an extra-long skirt which is made of high quality material. The durable steel frames are resistant to corrosion by the process of galvanisation. The galvanized springs are designed as gold colored springs that gives a whole new dimension to jump. The safety net is equipped with a high quality zipper opening. A safety net provides greater security for children.

Hind: 432 €

Toode on partnerlaos
Väljasaatmine 7-9 tööpäeva jooksul.
- 0 +

Järelmaksuga ostes näidiskuumakse 13.64 €
Periood 48 kuud / sissemakse 0.00 € (0%)
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